
On average, about 130 people join us for our Sunday morning worship gatherings, including people from all age groups and backgrounds, a diversity that we treasure. The majority will be dressed in some form of business casual attire; many will be in jeans; some more formal; some less. We come each week excited to see each other, but we also come expecting the Lord to bring new people to our gathering, and so we look forward to meeting you.

Bible Class

Every week, from 9:30-10:00 a.m., the children (ages 3+) enjoy a time designed to teach them the truth of God’s Word (Click here for more information about RBC Kids). While we do not have an adult Bible class every week, we do have such classes during several months of the year, using this time focusing on strategic topics. Then from 10-10:30 a.m., our people talk together, greet visitors, enjoy coffee and snacks, and the music team rehearses.

Order of Worship

Our worship gathering begins at 10:30 a.m. and includes Scripture readings, prayer, music, preaching, and the Lord’s Supper. Your children are welcome, regardless of their age; feel free to keep them with you. We do, however, have childcare available for children under 3 years old (Click here for more information about RBC Kids).

Scripture Reading

We begin with a brief call to worship, usually from the Psalms. Later, two more Scriptures are included: one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. These are chosen for their connection to the text on which one of our pastors will preach.


Each prayer is intended for a different purpose: a pastoral prayer for the needs of our members; a prayer for the advance of the gospel in our community, for other local churches, and for our governing authorities (1 Tim 2:1–4); and a prayer that God would use His word to accomplish His work in us that day.


We sing in order to praise our great God, to strengthen our own hearts, and to encourage each other. As a result, we choose songs to which everyone can contribute. The songs also must both accurately and powerfully communicate the truth of the Scriptures. We love both the time-tested songs of Christians long past, as well as songs written more recently.


The preaching of God’s word is the central element in our worship gathering. Typically, we work progressively through a book of the Bible. Each Sunday, one of our pastors will preach on the next section of verses. It is our prayer that, each week, God uses the preaching of His word to help us follow Christ together and to equip us, so that we can help others follow Christ with us.

The Lord’s Table

We eat and drink together at the Lord’s Table every week, and we welcome to the table all who profess faith in Christ and who have been baptized since their salvation. The Lord’s Table reminds us of Christ and how He has forgiven us of all of our sins. This weekly observance means that every Sunday worship gathering concludes with a focus on Christ and the gospel.


Our worship gathering usually finishes about 11:45 a.m. As we go out, we try to encourage one another as we look to the week ahead.


Sundays 10:30 AM


6215 Oliver Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423


(612) 486-2722
